The lady was searching for a condo on lease and was given a survey by the people who were at that point residing in the house.
House hunting has forever been a difficult situation for individuals who need to move to an alternate city. In any case, a lady in Bengaluru confronted an unusual survey from inhabitants of a level, who expressed capacity to pay cash isn’t the main models.
The experience shared by lady as a Twitter post is presently popular.
“Condo hunting in Bengaluru is by all accounts a social meeting round nowadays,” the lady named Astha said in her tweet, sharing the poll.
Aside from normal inquiries regarding her dietary patterns and available time, it additionally had an inquiry concerning superheroes. “Assuming you get back home one evening you observe Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow chilling in the room, who might you hit on,” was one of the inquiry from different individuals residing in the house.
“Are you Rachel, Monica or Phoebe?” another inquiry posed.
An enormous number of Twitter clients bounced in to remark on Ms Astha’s post, and among them was Pakhi Sharma, who professed to be one of the makers of the poll.
Numerous clients adored the survey however had numerous different inquiries.
“For what reason are they actually completing a FRIENDS character test in 2022,” said a client. “What’s w the superhuman hit on rundown and for what reason isn’t thor on it,” remarked another.
Many individuals shared their own insight and said they could never answer to this garbage.