What Does a Blogger Do? (And How to Become One)

What does a blogger do anyway? If you’re wondering, keep reading. In this article, I will describe precisely what a blogger does and how to become one.

If you’re considering starting a blog, it’s important to learn what it takes to become a blogger.

And you possibly have a lot of unrequited questions as a learner like what is the responsibility of a blogger? What skills do you require to become a blogger? How are the US travel bloggers paid?

Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. We will answer all your questions about what a blogger does and how to become a blogger in this article.

What is a Blog?

A blog is a type of website where a writer or a group of writers share their views on a particular topic. This can be for personal use or for commercial purposes.

Blogs are regularly updated with content and posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts appearing at the top of the page.

And the blog posts you’re reading right now is from Blog Tyrant, a blog dedicated to blogging.

For more examples, check out this article on different types of blogs.

Now that you have an idea of ​​what a blog is, let’s see what bloggers do…

What does a blogger do?

What you do as a blogger dependent on your objectives. If you want to start a blog for fun or use it as an online journal, then you only have one thing to do:


But, if you want to make money from your blog and turn it into a part-time or full-time career, you need to do other things. Some of these tasks include:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Advertising by e-mail
  • Social Media Marketing
  • To sell products

Additionally, there are various administrative tasks such as monitoring your website analytics, updating your site, responding to comments, and more.

This is not a complete list, but let’s now review some of the most important aspects of a blogger’s job.

1. Write content

The most important role of a blogger is to create content in the form of blog posts.

Blog posts are meant to provide valuable information to people in a free and easy-to-read way. This is the first step to building trust with readers so you can turn them into customers in the future.

For instance, if you have a nutrition blog and create blog posts about your favorite stuff, your readers will discover cost in that free content. Then, in the future, those readers will be more expected to purchase your book.

What you write on your blog is up to you. There are blogs on the internet for just about every topic imaginable like travel, health and wellness, finance, religion, gardening, video games, and more.

But, to attract a loyal following, it is best to stick to a specific topic, also known as a blog niche.

Once you’ve decided what you want to write about, you need to start posting blog posts regularly. To find out how often you should be posting new content, check out our guide to blogging frequency.

Now let’s move on to the actual written part.

There are a few tasks that go into content writing. You must:

  • Brainstorm topics you want to write about
  • Research the topic online and check competitor posts
  • Take notes and write a plan
  • Write the blog post
  • Add images for visual engagement
  • Optimize your post for SEO

As you can tell, writing content is not just about placing key words on a page.

If you have never created a blog post in the past, don’t worry. Many bloggers are self-taught and learn to write as they go.

If you want to speed up the learning process, you can read our guide on how to write a great blog post.

Writing is the beginning of a popular blog.

But, if you want to make money from your blog, you must do more than just write…

2. Recommend affiliate products

Affiliate advertising is one of the best ways travel bloggers make money. This involves recommending products to readers within your content. Every time a reader uses your affiliate link to buy the product you recommended; you earn a commission on the sale.

He has an affiliate link for each travel insurance company he recommends in the mail. Every time someone clicks on a link and buys travel insurance, they earn money.

Just make sure that the affiliate products you promote on your blog are the ones you use and really believe in.

They must also be relevant to your audience. It would not make sense for a travel blogger to suggest car parts or kitchen appliances. Things like travel insurance, hotels, and luggage would be more important for your readers.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing goes hand in hand with blogging. With email marketing, you may create a more personal connection with your readers through direct, regular interaction.

Plus, whenever you have a new blog post or product to promote, you can send the information straight to your subscribers’ inboxes. This will help drive more traffic to your blog and even generate sales.

And you can automatically send a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, when someone signs up for your mailing list, like in the pop-up example above. Most people are more than willing to provide their email addresses if they want to get a gift in return.

With OptinMonster, you can quickly grow your email list and start building lasting relationships with your readers.

In addition to building relationships with your existing readers, you also need to attract new visitors to your blog…

4. Self-promotion

Self-promotion is another thing you will need to do as a blogger. After all, if you want new people to discover your blog and read your content, you need to promote it.

Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you have to buy ad space or create a big marketing campaign.

You can simply promote your content on social media.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great for promoting your blog because they’re free and easy. Plus, most people are on social media these days, which means it won’t be hard to engage your target audience.

As you can see, they are using an eye-catching image, an engaging caption, and relevant hashtags such as #Lasagna, #Pasta, and #Vegetarian to promote their new blog post. Hashtags make it easy for people interested in recipes and cooking to discover this post through Instagram search.

They also add the blog post URL to the caption to drive traffic to their site.

By constantly promoting your content on social media, you will be able to spread the word about your blog.

Promoting your blog on social media is easier when you have a large audience that will engage with your posts and share them for you.

5. Sell products

Many successful bloggers grow their business by selling their own products. So if you want to increase your blogging income, that’s something you should learn to do as well.

Most bloggers sell digital rather than physical products because they are much easier to create. Plus, you only must create a digital product once and then you can sell it again and again.

Now you might be wondering what kind of digital products can you sell as a blogger?

A digital product that is both easy to create and easy to sell is an ebook.

They have created a PDF ebook on propagating succulents. Since their blog aims to teach their readers how to grow succulents, this ebook is full of valuable and relevant information that their audience would want to know.

Another popular type of digital product you can sell is an online course. Online courses are an interactive way to teach your audience about a particular topic.

This course sells for $997! But, since Melyssa’s blog is all about how to build a successful online business, her readers are willing to pay the price to learn her tips and tricks.

And don’t worry, you don’t need to have teaching experience to create and sell an online course. All you need is knowledge and experience in the subject you want to create your online course on.

To create an online course, we recommend using MemberPress.

Memberpress membership and course plugin

MemberPress is an all-in-one membership plugin for WordPress that includes a user-friendly online course builder. This means that not only can you create and sell online courses with this tool, but you can also create a membership site. With a membership site, you can charge users a monthly subscription fee to view your blog posts.

Now that we’ve gone over the main aspects of what a blogger does, let’s go over some of the other tasks a blogger might have to do in a day…

A day in the life of a blogger checklist

The following checklist is an overview of all the tasks you need to complete as a blogger.

Of course, this list will vary depending on the blogger, but it will give you a general idea of ​​what bloggers do on a typical day.

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